府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司是一家专业的府谷县装修公司,府谷县餐饮商铺装修,府谷县家装公司公司。 府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司信奉"信誉至上、尽善尽美、真诚服务"的企业宗旨;倡导"求索不息,创新不断"的公司理念。始终坚信以先进的技术,严格的管理,良好的信誉为您提供服务。欢迎各界朋友光临惠顾。 府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司累积了丰富的实践经验,蓄备了一支高素质、专业化的人才队伍。历年来秉承着"创新、务实、求真"的企业精神和完善的售后服务,赢得了广大用户的信赖和支持。 府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司建立自身完整的核心竞争体系,追求事业的蓬勃发展。同时,以成为良好企业为已任,回馈社会,以开发制造优质的府谷县装修公司,府谷县餐饮商铺装修,府谷县家装公司为目标,秉持顾客至上,效益优先。应对多变的市场挑战,以"诚信、团结、拼搏、创新"为企业理念,以"认真、努力、负责任"为企业作风,发扬"勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗"的精神,坚持"以市场为导向,产品工艺不断创新,追求顾客满意"的质量方针,满怀豪情,信心百倍,真诚欢迎各界朋友一如既往地关心支持府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司的发展,实地考察洽谈业务,与我们携手共进,共创辉煌!
府谷县龙永家居装饰有限公司the cure faith完整歌词?

Catch me if I fall, I\"m losing hold

I can\"t just carry on this way

And every time I turn away

Lose another blind game

The idea of perfection holds me

Suddenly I see you change

Everything at once, the same

But the mountain never moves

Rape me like a child, christened in blood

Painted like an unknown saint, there\"s nothing left but hope

Your voice is dead, and old, and always empty

Trust in me through closing years, perfect moments wait

If only we could stay, please say the right words

Or cry like the stone white clown and stand

Lost forever in a happy crowd

No one lifts their hands, no one lifts their eyes

Justified with empty words, the party just gets better and better

I went away alone, with nothing left but faith

I went away alone, with nothing left but faith